Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A little rain, a lot of hail

Wow! We wanted rain, we got it...and a little more. It hailed for at least 30 minutes straight. I have never seen a hail core last that long......but, at least it was mostly small here. A few minutes north they had hail that was golfball sized. Windows out, car windshields broken. This pool was sparkling clear blue the day before. Blech. But that's Texas for you.

I am now working on one of my mom's Christmas presents. I had to ask what she would prefer in a no surprise there. She asked for a "happy yellow king size quilt". I am thinking a bit traditional with blocks and sort of scrappy but an overall feeling of sunshiney yellow. I can't decide if they should be on point or straight out. I will add white sashings and plain yellow blocks between the sashings to further brighten the quilt. Then at least two borders. What do you think?

On point?

Or not?


Anonymous Jenn C. said...

Definitely on point! What gorgeous gorgeous colors!

22/6/11 10:24  
Blogger Angeluna said...

And here just west of you, we got a spectacular lightning storm, a quick hard downpour with little liquid accumulation and strong winds but no hail. Bit tired of all the wind; the heat, too.

What a lovely quilt. I'm liking it straight out. I'm also wondering if I could adopt you! You're a wonderful daughter.

22/6/11 12:48  
Anonymous Carrie#K said...

On point. Pretty! Sunshiny! It looks almost like sunflowers or pinwheels. Happy stuff.

Wow, now that's hail!

24/6/11 14:20  

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